I CANNOT STAND the stupid woman instructing me how to leave a voicemail message. I mean – it’s not like the entire “voicemail community” was in shambles before there was a woman to tell them to leave a message after the tone! And what’s with the “for further options, press the pound key” -- What “further” options can there REALLY be? You either leave a message or you don't....
Although these are all very god questions, no question is more bothersome to me than: Who do the phone companies think they are fooling? We all know that these companies put that annoying bitch in there just to prolong the calls so that voicemails can all be over 1 minute. These add up over time which makes us (the consumer) reach our allocated monthly minutes in a quicker fashion....
So what can we do to combat this? Not much, but here are 3 things that could help:
- People should know to say on their outgoing message: “Press pound (or star…depending on service provider) to bypass the bitch”
- Give up leaving Voicemails altogether and just rely on the fact that someone will see a “missed call” (this is risky as someone may have their phone turned off, etc)
- Write your phone company and complain (repeat several hundred times and tell a friend)