If you know my - you know I'm a Google Kool-Aid drinker. Almost anything that this company that's employed me for 10+ years comes up with - I traditionally believe in. (On a related topic - I should blog about my displeasure to date with Google Glass -- but that's not what this post is about)...
For the past few weeks, my wife and I have been testing the "Same Day Delivery" service Google just rolled out for NYC and LA. For some background, our family lives in a doorman building in NYC and we have 2 children under the age of 5. This means that for the past 5 years - we probably average 3 purchases a week from the likes of Diapers.com, Amazon, Soap.com, etc.. We've been loyal to these sties because of the convenience + we are always buying in bulk which traditionally means "free shipping." While there's a Target in NYC - we've been once in our car and it was more of an afternoon family activity then a cost savings effort (we'll always buy more than we need to in store).
So...now that Google is willing to pick-up these items from stores like Target, Costco, Fairway, Toys R Us, and more..... It's truly a no-brainer - especially for the first 6 months where Google is picking up the delivery tab. It's like 2001 again with Kozmo and Urban Fetch - but this time with legitimate business justifcation. (I'm happy to talk offline to folks who don't buy into this).
Anyway - if you live in LA or NYC - I think it's something you MUST sign-up for ASAP. There's no downside. Did you forget your daughter has a birthday party the next day and you forgot to pick up a gift? No problem! I already signed up to be a Costco member solely out of the excitement... After a few orders - I'm a little more gun-shy because I forget we live in a Manhattan apartment that's extremely limited on space.
If you do try it -- Lemme know what you think!