

In case you haven't seen me in 12 years, I rock a goatee 98% of the time... 

About once a year, I normally get a bit sick of it and decide to shave it off.  For most people this isn't a big deal (and it's not for me), however, I look like a COMPLETELY different person when I shave it off.  So much so that I've honestly had people who've known me for over 5 years look at me like I was a crazy person for talking to them at a party because they didn't recognize me without it...

The truth is, as I told Amy, I am not yet ready to fully commit to being a goatee guy for the rest of my life...While many signs point to this happening - I'm not ready to declare it.

About a week ago I shaved the goatee off.  Partially because I was sick of it, partially because I wanted to see if Alexa would recognize me, partially because everyone says she looks like me so thought I'd enable a much better viewpoint for that observation ...

Anyway ... It's a week later and my goatee is fully back.  Why? 

Well - first of all - every single person that sees me without it says "whoah."  Not the kind of "whoah" that the ultra conservative woman who suddenly dressed a little slutty would get... It's moreso like the 40 year old who suddenly came to work with a mohawk... 
Secondly, I've been asked by at least 10 people "why I did it?"  That kind of question, again, should be asked when there is something more permanent done.  If my sister suddenly got a "mom haircut" - I'd ask her "why she did it" - which to be honest would be my way of telling her that she should grow it back....  My goatee grows back in a week - so if you want to know why I did it - the simple answer is because I can. 
Thirdly, I under-estimated how my goatee provides a bit extra warmth when it's cold out - and it's been freakin freezing this past week.  Note to self -- do my once a year test-run when it's not 9 degrees outside.  (Yes - it's challenging in the summer too because it could provide a strange look if I'm rocking a tan...)

Bottom-line is that I think people are just so used to me with a goatee, that they think I look crazy without it.  I never would have imagined that I'd marry a jewish girl who actually prefers me to have the goatee rather than shave it - but I did...   For now - Amy's vote is fairly influential in the decision - but we'll see what Alexa has to say in a few years ...

Next time - I'll take pictures and post them to the blog...  Until next year, then... 


amytay said...

I love you with or without it!

Unknown said...

Ha! No need to worry...don't think I'll ever be one to get a "mom haircut"... :)But I'm glad to know what you would have to say about it in advance.

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