
Losing Weight = New Clothes?

As many of you know, I've spent the last 3 months training for a Boxing Match that will take place on October 1st. I'm waiting until after the fight to post something to the blog - hoping to give a complete picture of the entire experience...

One thing that I'll write about now, though, is the effects the training has had on my physically. I probably lost 10 pounds in the first 4 weeks - but have plateaued since then ... I have even gained a couple of pounds of muscle since then. While I can see my muscles more toned - the most glaring difference is how my clothes fit...

I like loose clothing. Nothing too tight, especially pants. This is something that is mostly a "comfort" thing - and not so much a "look" thing... As I've gotten older, I've opted for Large T-Shirts over X-Large as I realized the shoulder stitches looked kinda silly on my bicep.

Anyway - I get the feeling that most of my clothes right now look silly on me... I can't say I had any "tight" pants before I started training - but let's just say that most of my shorts and pants are AT LEAST one size too big at this point. I've been trying to make due with utilizing the last hole on my belt, but I'm starting to feel like this looks stupid - especially when I am tucking my shirt into my pants...

My issue is that I don't want to go shopping for completely new clothes.
Is this my insecurity believing that I'm bound to put back the inches after the fight? Probably ... Do I just hate shopping in general? Yes. Do I have limited closet space in my NYC Apartment? Yes.

So - What is a fella to do??


Anonymous said...

Wear clothes that fit. If that means buying new ones, do it.

Anonymous said...

Where do you train? My roomate just came back from your match.

BG said...

We all trained at Trinity Boxing gym downtown.

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