
ICE - In Case of Emergency

Just read something interesting and wanted to pass along...

Vodafone believes that over 75% of people do not specify any "emergency contacts" in their cell phones. A local paramedic from England realized this as well and has since launched a program called "ICE." This program is nothing other than the desire for EVERYONE to designate someone in their cell phones as the emergency contact. Today, this can simply be done by adding a contact into your phone under the name "ICE" (including the appropriate phone number obviously). In the future, the hope is that the mobile phone companies will add a section into the phone that designates emergency contacts....

It makes sense, right? How many times have you heard people say, "you should carry a cell phone in case of emergency." The ICE contact helps to do this, but takes into account the possibility of the cell phone owner not being able to proactively dial.

Of course for this to work, the concept must be understood by all parties, including the paramedic community. So - this is my PSA ... I think it's a small thing that could go a long way.

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