In case anyone didn't see Kanye West during a telecast to raise money for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, you can check out Kayne's selfish, bumbling rant here. During this chance to raise money for victims, West instead took the opportunity to attempt to boil the racial anxiety surrounding this tragedy. In his semi-in-comprehensible babbling, he said "George Bush doesn't care about black people" .... and that the media is saying that "black families are looting and white families are looking for food ... they're giving the (Army) permission to shoot us" ...
It is interesting to me that just last night a buddy about how we thought his recent album was on a level rarely seen in music today... Him and I both virtually proclaimed Kanye a "genius" in music production.... But just as he's a genius in music production, I guess it doesn't mean he's a smart man beyond that... And I'm not saying that he's not entitled to his opinion ... I'm saying he sure as hell didn't choice the right venue/time/place to voice this opinion....
In listening to his lyrics, I've always believed that he certainly was extremely "pro-black," but wasn't sure if he was a racist .... well I guess it's almost been confirmed. No man who is not a racist has the anger built up inside of him to turn a FUNDRAISER into a racial conflict.
I suppose this makes me happy that I didn't actually buy Kanye's album, but still have the joy of listening to it on my hard drive...(although I didn't steal it)...It is a very well put together album. Seems like it's too bad that the person who produced it isn't well put together himself.
BG's Mom says;
Dear Brett,
Sorry to say, but I somewhat agree with Kayne West in that George Bush and his administration don't care about poor, black people. This president has no clue or sensitivity about being poor. He comes from one of the richest families in our country. He dropped the ball and waited way too long to finally do something for those people. It's not a total racial issue, but there is an element there.
BG Says:
I am not saying ANYTHING positive about our President. I may even agree that "George Bush does not care about black people," but what my point was that it was completely the wrong platform. If you are Kayne West, express yourself in a song, express yourself on a radio show or even a TV talk show .... But not at a fundraiser...
Chalk it up to his own innate black passion. Fundraiser or not, sometimes upset overrides conscious thought.
I disagree, West knew exactly what he was doing. If West expresses his thoughts any other time then his views go unheard. He took advantage of exposure he would never have gotten in any other venue, a national TV audience that was sure to have large viewership. Was it unfortunate that it detracted from the suffering families, yes. However if you don't think the media is racially biased, that is just ignorant. I don't think he is rasicst. Hip hop, at the heart of it all, is expressing the black POV, that is how it started out. It was lost in all the commercialization of the genre (listen to early hip hop before it was all about partying, women, and bling). Public Enemy is maybe the greatest hip hop group ever because of their views and expressions. Kanye is just bringing it back. If you think Chuck D in his heyday (if given the opportunity) wouldn't of done the same thing, you are mistaken. Kanye was just giving a voice to those that don't have one. If he doesn't do it then, those voices never get heard.
You need to wake up America and smell the coffee....i hadnt realise some of you people out there was so ignorant but i guess censorship has it place keeping you from free thinking all you have to do is reverse the situation of Katrina to a majority wealth white people stranded, and you get a completely different perspective and oppinion on things, suddenly Kanye west comments would be advocated and supported by many. so well done for saying what need to be said. the situation was complete madnesss what happen to simple common humanity and common sense of decency i guess American history speaks volumes. Arent we in the 21 Century, not the 16th Century and that was bad enough. Wake up, Wake up Americans or it will come right back to haunt you..what was it love thy neighbour as thy self. We know whats going on and it cant be hidden any more. shame on you
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